S2 | Rewind Design | E1 Rupert from the Georgian Bay Association

Georgian Bay Association

with Executive Director Rupert Kindersley

Welcome back to Rewind Design - Season 2!

On this week’s debut episode of Rewind Design - Season 2 - we have a highly regarded guest from the Georgian Bay Association (GBA) Rupert Kindersley. He has been the executive director of the GBA for the last 5 years and I had the honor of interviewing him last summer. Born in London England, Rupert was educated at Eton College and the University of Toronto, however he has now officially spent more than half of his life on Georgian Bay - so he’s an honorary local now!

I had hoped that the first episode of Season 2 would reflect the core values of Rewind Design and interviewing the GBA was my first thought. The GBA is the connector of all the Georgian Bay associations, representing the best interests of all cottagers + locals.

Season 2 explained:

To refresh, while season 1 of Rewind Design focuses on intimate stories of cottage history, season 2 focuses on sustainable design along the shores of Georgian Bay, with an emphasis on protecting the shoreline via green energy, green building methods and the maintenance and preservation of natural landscapes.

With support from the Georgian Bay Land Trust, I will be interviewing a variety of guests for my podcast, including builders, contractors, architects and landscapers, to discuss best practices when building sustainably on Georgian Bay. The purpose of season 2 is to educate Georgian Bay cottagers and locals on the benefits of sustainable design, presented through my podcast and blog in an accessible and easily understood conversational format.

I am extremely honoured to receive the King Family Bursary in support of my project Rewind Design, Season 2. I am an advocate for sustainable design and architecture on Georgian Bay’s shorelines. Development on Georgian Bay is inevitable, however it is my goal to help current and future generations become more educated on sustainable ways of building and designing to protect our treasured Georgian Bay shores and ecosystems for generations to come.

GBLT Article: https://www.gblt.org/news-item/king-family-bursary-winner-katy-mcnabb/

In today’s episode!

We speak about the pros of joining cottage associations like the GBA as well as environmental steps every cottager can take to be more eco-friendly.

  • Do you have a laundry filter?

  • Does your septic system work property?

  • Is your dock encapsulated foam?

Listen to our exciting interview below!

Listen to my interview with Rupert!

Questions for Rupert and the GBA answered in the podcast - listen below!

  • Can you explain the GBA to the listeners and what the mandate and mission of the GBA is?

    • The Georgian Bay Association (GBA) is an umbrella organization for 18 community associations along the east and north shores of Georgian Bay, representing approximately 3,000 families. We have been advocating on behalf of our land-owning members for over 100 years and estimate that we reach and influence around 30,000 residents of the Georgian Bay. Our mandate is to work with our water-based communities and other stakeholders to ensure the careful stewardship of the greater Georgian Bay environment.

  • As Executive Director, can you explain your role at the GBA and what your driving purpose is day to day?

    • I run the day to day operations of GBA and address current files (many of which are long term matters) and new issues as they arise.

  • How, when and why was the GBA association founded?

    • 5 community associations that were already in existence formed GBA in 1916. The initial purposes were:

      • Improve transportation to and from cottages

      • Support fish and game regs

      • Security for break-ins (mainly over the winter)

      • Improve wastewater arrangements on boats

      • Address the interests (issues) of members (of the 5 associations)

  • How many other cottage associations are linked to the GBA. I myself am a member of the SCA, one of the linked cottage associations.

  • How does the GBA interact with other organizations like GBLT, GBF, GBB?

    • We liaise frequently and work together on projects to avoid duplication of effort. We also have a wide range of NGOs with whom we interact regularly.

  • What is your favourite part of being a leader in the GBA?

    • Looking after the Bay!

  • As a non for profit association built of cottagers, what are the main issues you are fighting for in 2022?

    • When we last counted them there were 48 priority issues we were dealing with, but presently floating cottages, coastal protection and water quality/levels are our top priorities.

    • GBA recently had its 100 year anniversary, how has the association evolved over the last 100 years? Compared to when GBA started with 5 volunteers only, we have had a fulltime ED for around 40 years now, plus now 3 other staff (1 full 2 part time), our 17 associations provide 23 volunteer directors, and we have 32 additional non-board member volunteers to populate our 13 committees. This allows us to cover so many issues.

    • "One of the greatest potential environmental threats to this part of Georgian Bay comes from the growing development pressures emanating from the GBA and the consistent and growing demand for residences in the area". How is the GBA addressing this issue? We formed a coastal protection committee that has reps from all 5 municipalities where our members reside, + area reps, and has a wide mandate to deal with coastal protection issues, which includes development pressures in the south end of the Bay, but creeping north. However, please note that in the north they need to attract development, so our strategies are area specific.

  • How can the GBA work with architects and designers through Coastal Protection in Georgian Bay to create a symbiotic relationship between the environment and design?

    • I think this is too granular for GBA – we have to focus on overarching issues. However local associations might be interested in supporting such a symbiotic relationship. GBB might also be interested.

  • What can individual cottage owners do to protect the coastal shoreline? (Ie. Washing machine filters) and the ecosystems.

    • There are many ways, including:

      • keep shorelines natural as much as possible

      • avoid retaining walls and other shoreline structures to address water levels

      • plant only native plants/trees

      • protect species-at-risk and their habitat (i.e. avoid cutting down trees) and don’t kill snakes, particularly the Massasauga rattler

      • make sure all buildings are set back and screened by trees etc. from the sightlines of neighbours, as much as possible.

  • How can listeners/cottagers get involved?

    • Join your local association and consider volunteering as a board director and/or on one of their committees. Then, when you have some experience, volunteer for GBA as a director or committee member. Consider contributing to, and/or volunteering for, GBF, GBB and/or GBLT. Become a Guardian of the Bay, see: https://georgianbay.ca/gotb/ + + + many other ways to help protect the Bay!

  • What does the GBA do that maybe gets less media attention that you would love people to know?

    • We do a lot of work behind the scenes to get action on important issues to protect the Bay, as well as the action that we do post on our website, see: https://georgianbay.ca/news To keep informed we recommend that residents subscribe to our eUpdates at: https://georgianbay.ca/eupdate-email/ It would be great if more journalists subscribed to eUpdate and feature some of our work more often.

What is the Georgian Bay Association?

From the GBA website https://georgianbay.ca/about-us/


Georgian Bay Association Mandate:

To represent the interests of our member associations to all levels of government (Municipal, Provincial, Federal, First Nations and regulatory authorities) and others to preserve the unique characteristics, and ensure the careful stewardship, of Georgian Bay.

The mission of the Georgian Bay Association:

is to work with our water-based communities and other stakeholders to ensure the careful stewardship of the greater Georgian Bay environment.

What is the Georgian Bay Association?

The Georgian Bay Association (GBA) is more than just a group of like-minded individuals. In fact, as a not-for-profit umbrella advocacy organization, we represent the combined voice of 19 community associations. That is over 3,000 families along the eastern and northern shores of Georgian Bay, with our communications and publications reaching around 18,000 individuals.

With that much support, we can advocate for real action to all levels of government that benefits us all. The GBA dedicates itself to preserving the incredible, yet fragile, wilderness and waterways that make the Bay so enjoyable for you, your family, friends, visitors, and countless generations to come.

We know how much Georgian Bay and your cottage mean to you. After all, we’re cottagers too. It is this shared passion and commitment to the Bay that gave rise to the GBA in 1916. And the GBA continues to thrive today, serving as an advocacy group consisting of dedicated volunteers who work tirelessly to help protect the Bay and its environment. That not only includes the Bay and its beautiful setting, but also your cottage and its picture-postcard-perfect surroundings.

For thousands of us, this special place represents family, history, nature, memories and the hope of renewal that arrives with each new season. That is a bond and a legacy worth protecting and preserving.


Season 2 generously Funded by the GBLT, King Family Bursary

Visit Rewind Design Instagram below to stay tuned for more cottage stories!


S2 | Rewind Design | E2 Restoration on Georgian Bay with David Ballentine


S1 | Rewind Design | E15 - Season 2 Announcement!